Saturday, December 24, 2011

Scatter Plots on TI-84

How to make a scatter plot and find its line of best fit on a graphing calculator.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator

!±8± TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator

Brand : Texas Instruments, Inc. | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Dec 15, 2011 18:03:59 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

TI-83 Plus Teacher's Graphing Calculator - The TI-83 offers an eight-line x 16-character display, and can define, save and graph 10 rectangular functions, six parametric equations, six polar equations and three recursively defined sequences. -- Features seven different graphing styles. Advanced statistics functions include hypothesis testing, confidence intervals and distribution. An equation solver editor solves for different variables interactively. Handles real and complex numbers, lists, matrices and strings. -- Works with CBLTM and CBRTM systems for analysis of real-world data. Has 32K total RAM and 27K user-available RAM. Requires four AAA batteries, not included.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Assessment Practices That Insulate You From the Elements

!±8± Assessment Practices That Insulate You From the Elements

A quality employment assessment must include multiple safeguards designed to ensure data authenticity and system functionality

One winter morning I fulfilled one of my least favorite household duties by stepping outside in the early dawn chill to set out the trash. The wind greeted my Saturday morning stubble with a familiar slap in the face. With plumes of white smoke billowing from my lungs with every breath, I quickly remembered why I had delegated this chore to my oldest son. One word came to me-"BRRRR!" It took all of three steps to realize that I lacked adequate protection from the elements. Without the proper layers of insulation, I was at the mercy of whatever this cold Saturday morning decided to throw at me.

Some selection systems can leave you feeling exposed. Just as your body requires more coverage in the winter, it is imperative that your assessment process is properly outfitted to meet the elements of the 21st century job market and offer the highest level of protection.

How can an assessment system protect your interests? Organizations need protection from the following elements:
Misrepresentations made by new job candidates The hiring of high-risk candidates Concerns over the legality of the overall hiring process

When an assessment system offers all of the features mentioned on these pages, the organization can be more confident in its hiring decisions and in the unassailable legality of the process.

This article describes assessment design elements-represented symbolically by articles of clothing-that human resource leaders should look for to ensure they are getting maximum protection from a pre-employment assessment system. Grab your mug of hot chocolate and a warm blanket, toss a log on the fire, and spend some time enhancing your wardrobe to include specific layers of technology that will shelter you from the elements as you leverage your selection process to hire top talent.

Boots: Profiles Provide Traction to the Selection Process

In an assessment system, the definition of a profile can be simply stated as any guideline that candidates are matched against to determine their suitability for the job. There are three approaches, or types, of profiles:

The-Higher-the-Better - this approach, though not technically a profile, assumes that more of a behavioral characteristic is always better. There are many drawbacks to this approach, but we will focus on the issue of obtaining accurate information from candidates. Simply put, if candidates know you are looking for more, they will tend to select responses that reflect more for each question. This approach does not provide you with the assurance of high quality responses from candidates.

Best Practice - the best practice profile relies on normative data (average across many companies) to create an optimum range for the dimension being measured. The down side is that it is a one-size-fits-all approach that does not capture the unique requirements of the position or the culture of your organization (see below).

Custom Ideal Profile - This type of profile reflects the behavioral makeup of the ideal candidate for your organization by first determining the optimum range for the dimension being measured through analysis of your incumbent employees (those already working in the target position) and then assigning a "weight," or level of importance, to every behavioral dimension being measured.

Of these three profile types, the custom ideal profile is recommended to provide the most protection.

Think of a custom ideal profile as a pair of warm boots. Custom ideal profiles should be fundamental components in your overall selection system just as warm boots are a vital part of your wardrobe on a cold day. The protective qualities of custom ideal profiles stem from their use of actual data from incumbents in a specific position, company, and industry, as well as the weighted values for each dimension.

Like snowflakes, no two custom ideal profiles are exact duplicates. In fact, similar job titles in two different companies are most often very different behaviorally across a large variety of dimensions.

Allow me to illustrate this point using another winter activity. In the snowmobile sales industry, dealerships employ salespeople to guide prospective clients through the shopping and buying process. One dealership may place a high value on "number of units sold." All of their focus, training, bonus structures, and incentive programs are geared toward selling a high volume of snowmobiles. Success in this type of sales position requires behavioral traits that drive rapid sales cycles from first contact to closing. Conversely, a dealership across town may place more emphasis on profit margin. Higher profits may be derived from selling models that are more expensive and adding multiple upgrades like a larger engine, more chrome, added accessories, special paint options, etc. This specific sales role requires a slower, more consultative sales approach. Successful salespeople would possess behavioral characteristics that encourage relationships, up-selling, and "quality over quantity." Both are sales roles, and both are in the same industry, but the two positions call for very different types of people, and therefore very different custom ideal profiles.

Like a good pair of boots, you need a custom ideal profile to keep you on firm footing and to steer your selection process well clear of some common misconceptions.

Misconception #1: "I can find an answer key that will tell me the correct answers to this assessment."
A valid assessment tool provides multiple-choice responses for several questions related to any one of dozens of dimensions. This results in a large number of ways to arrive at a value for a single dimension. Therefore, there are no right or wrong answers. In an assessment system that uses custom ideal profiles, every candidate is matched against a unique profile. Custom ideal profiles are built on assessed incumbents and performance data in the position, so there is no way for a candidate to know how much or how little of one characteristic is important for the role. When using custom ideal profiles, candidates have no knowledge of the on-the-job importance assigned to any given dimension. The importance of each dimension is crucial because to ensure a desirable score, you would have to align your responses perfectly to the dimensions with the highest priority. Interestingly, the actual importance of a dimension is often counterintuitive to a candidate's logical assumption. In a well-designed system, candidates can only speculate which questions relate to which behavioral dimension, and what the best answer might be. This difficulty increases exponentially when a custom ideal profile is built on a large number of dimensions.

Misconception #2: "I will have a friend with more experience take the assessment for me who will score 'better.'"
A friend's responses are no more "correct" or "incorrect" than the true candidate's responses. Keep in mind that there should be no "right" or "wrong" answer. Everyone is a "fit" somewhere, and the custom ideal profile process is designed to match candidates that are the best fit for specific jobs. Having someone else take the assessment does not increase a candidate's chances because the friend may not be a good fit to the role. By having a friend take the assessment, the candidate is at a serious disadvantage during the interview process. A good assessment generates interview questions and discussion topics directly from the candidate's responses in relation to the custom ideal profile. To see this charade through to the end, the candidate would have to force their friend to impersonate him in the face-to-face interview as well!

Pants: Technical Documentation and Predictive Studies Supply Strong Legs to Stand On

Documenting that your assessment system actually does what it is supposed to do is as important to your protection level as pants are to someone exposed to the cold. Established assessment vendors should provide support materials that prove the system is legally valid, that it guards against various forms of candidate misrepresentation, and that it has historically measured what it was tasked to measure. This technical documentation-historical and client-specific-makes up the two "legs" in our hypothetical pair of pants.

Our first "leg" is the assessment system's technical manual. It should provide the following samples of technical documentation:
Instrument Validation, or a detailed historical overview of how the assessment system was developed Criterion Validity in the form of concurrent validation studies (incumbents are assessed and performance data is collected at the same time, or concurrently) Post-deployment performance and turnover studies, which should document a reduction in turnover, an increase in good performance, or both A thorough discussion of Adverse Impact, which support the instrument's fairness and objectivity across the entire audience of candidates, regardless of race, sex, or age

These technical studies document how the assessment system has accurately linked on-the-job performance with the primary characteristics of incumbents in the role. You should expect to see data compiled over many years and millions of candidates.

You might be asking this question: "The technical manual offers proof that the assessment has worked historically for other companies, but how do I collect that type of proof for my company?" That question brings us to the second "leg" of technical documentation: predictive studies within your organization.

The best way to ensure that an assessment system protects you functionally and legally is to allow the assessment vendor to use your data, your incumbents, and your new candidates to produce two types of predictive validation studies.
Concurrent validation studies occur after the creation of a custom ideal profile. The objective is to establish a relationship between the performance data of your incumbents and the assessment system results. Post-deployment studies are conducted once an assessment has been in use for a sufficient time (generally one year to allow for an optimum rollout strategy and to collect quality data). The objective is to study the historical, predictive qualities of the assessment system in identifying higher performers and/or reducing turnover. Upon completion of the post-deployment study, adjustments can be made for future improvements, and observations of utility can be observed as well.

By analyzing the assessment system's ability to identify strong candidates and high-risk candidates, you will gain documented proof of its effectiveness. In fact, in time you will collect a mountain of scientific evidence that proves you are protected by the system's technical design and your custom ideal profiles. This data will equip you with the documentation to address any misconceptions related to the effectiveness of your assessment system.

Misconception #3: "High scores on assessments do not correlate to top performers."
Before choosing an assessment system, review the technical manual to be sure there is plenty of data proving the assessment's ability to protect the client, identify a better quality of hire, and maintain legality. Require vendors to conduct concurrent validation studies as a standard part of your validation process. This means that each new custom ideal profile has "paperwork" that establishes the relationship between performance and the related assessment scores. When time and hiring volume permit, conduct a post-deployment study to better understand the effectiveness of the assessment system in terms of employee selection, improved performance, and/or reduction in turnover.

Gloves: Fairness in One Hand, Objectivity in the Other

As I watched speed skating during the Winter Olympics, I noticed all of the different styles of body suits. Each was designed to keep the participant warm while simultaneously reducing wind drag and giving the athlete a slight advantage over the competition. In a similar way, some job seekers look to gain an advantage over others. There is one big difference: the Olympic committee keeps athletes in check, but no committee is in place to ensure that job seekers are being honest and providing the most accurate information.

To make sure accurate information is gathered, companies go to great lengths to verify employment history, check references, and even review or authenticate certifications. Some executives may be concerned about maintaining fairness and reducing the chances for a candidate to provide inaccurate information to obtain employment (a practice referred to as "gaming" the system). We should examine two important questions regarding the issue of gaming: Does gaming actually help the candidate? How does the assessment system address the issue?

First and foremost, creating a custom ideal profile greatly enhances the security of an online assessment process. As discussed above, each custom ideal profile is based on the actual performance data of those who are currently in the role, and there are no two alike. This makes it virtually impossible for anyone to manipulate the system to get a preferred score. Additionally, custom ideal profiles standardize the process so everyone is compared evenly and fairly. All candidates are evaluated against a unique, position-specific profile using unbiased, scientific, and objective criteria.

Research exists that helps us better understand the reality of the candidate gaming issue. Some people may have the opinion that those who try to inflate their scores will actually get higher scores. However, the facts indicate the opposite. The research of Arthur et al. (2009) related to the use of profiles includes a study of over 300 job candidates who took a cognitive assessment when applying for a job.(1) The original assessment represented a high-stakes opportunity for this group of job hunters. Over a year later, this same group of 300 took the assessment again, but this time the employees knew the scores had no bearing on employment.

The results showed that the overall average score was higher on the post-employment tests than on the original pre-employment tests (d =.39). Practically, the research showed that the number of those possibly gaming the system was between 0% (at the lowest) to a potential maximum of 7.7%. The research went on to state that even this small number is most likely inflated because those labeled as gamers may have been unmotivated the second time around, therefore causing scores to naturally decrease.

Statistically, attempts at gaming will most likely occur in every organization. To keep that practice from becoming widespread and successfully inflating scores in your organization's hiring process, your assessment should be working 24/7 to minimize the gamers' impact.

Understanding the facts around your selection process will help protect your candidates from another inaccurate misconception.

Misconception #4: "Because people cheat, the assessment is not fair."
A sound assessment system is legally a very fair and objective tool in the hiring process. Although attempts at cheating are always possible, a quality assessment is designed to protect the hiring organization, maintain hiring fairness and objectivity, and to minimize the impact of those who choose to try their luck gaming the system.

Now that you know that some gaming may be going on among those in the candidate pool, you should also know what a good assessment system does to minimize the gamers' impact on your hiring decisions.

A Good Coat: Keeping Authenticity In and Distortion Out

Winter fashion trends include many brand names of coats. We often find that quality is related to the brand name of the coat purchased. I once had a proud shopping moment when I purchased a brand-name coat at a deep discount. I excitedly took it home to show it off and quickly found my shopping prowess was greatly overrated. As I looked closer at the coat, I found the name of the well-known brand to be misspelled. To my surprise, I had not received a deep discount on a quality coat, but only a fair price on an inferior "knock-off" product that was not as warm.

When searching for the best job candidates, be sure that you are receiving the most accurate assessment data and not settling for inferior results. A high-quality assessment system should have protective safeguards in place to help identify anyone who is not providing the most accurate data.

A primary safeguard against gaming is actually built into the custom ideal profiles. Candidates attempting to game the system exaggerate their actual preferences, or present themselves to be someone they are not, which may be detrimental to the candidate. Custom ideal profiles are inherently unique and specifically designed to represent an intricate pattern of behaviors. Anyone who does not provide authentic responses actually decreases their likelihood of obtaining a preferred score. To study this concept, 100,000 job applicants in 39 unique companies across 102 different profiles were analyzed by PeopleAnswers. The data showed that those who misrepresented themselves were 4.5 times more likely to receive a "Not Recommended" rating.(2)

Having confidence in the information you collect from candidates gives you the peace of mind that you are seeing the real behaviors of that person. At this level of protection, you can deflate misconceptions related to candidates attempting to game their way through the assessment.

Misconception #5: "I can fake my way through the assessment by guessing at the answers the employer wants to see."
Research shows that job hunters are more likely to find suitable positions by indicating, through honest responses to the assessment, who they are, not who they think the employer wants them to be.

A Warm Hat: Establishing a Controlled Assessment Experience

Your uncovered head is a primary culprit for losing body heat on a cold day. Likewise, the "head" of an assessment, or the initial entry point, is where you can set the stage to ensure the assessment collects the best data. Keep three initial points of entry in mind to maximize the protective features of a good assessment system:
The first page of instructions A controlled-access format A multiple-form design

The instructions on the opening page of any assessment should introduce the candidate to an efficient, no-nonsense employment tool that should be taken seriously to obtain the best results.

Instructions should also convey the seriousness of the assessment portion of the selection process. Assessments should indicate that falsification of any documentation requested by the employer most often leads to an immediate removal of the candidate from the selection process. Therefore, it is good practice to make sure the candidate understands the important nature of the assessment, especially when using an assessment tool that is designed to identify attempts to manipulate the data.

To better understand the importance of assessment instructions, consider a PeopleAnswers study of 55,303 candidates under six different experimental conditions where the instructions were altered in various ways. The objective was to study different methods for presenting warnings in hopes of reducing candidate misrepresentations (referred to as "distortion"). Findings showed a significant reduction in distortion after candidates were told that the assessment system had the ability to detect anomalies in the data and that such information would be provided to the company for which they were applying.(3) This illustrates how the initial assessment instructions play a major role in collecting high-quality candidate data.

Another control factor available with some assessments is the "one shot" approach. In other words, the candidate has one shot at the assessment, with no access to subsequent testing sessions. Would you allow a candidate to completely change their application information on a second attempt at obtaining employment? Think about the confusion it would cause if a candidate stated on their application that they had one year of sales experience. Six weeks later, he or she comes back claiming ten years of sales experience. Which answer is the truth?

Controlling entry into the assessment system can greatly improve the likelihood of a high-quality data collection session while providing another layer of protection. Candidates should be allowed one assessment session, and only under specific and documented instances should a candidate be allowed to retest. Logging in and out is acceptable for non-timed assessments, but once they have completed the assessment, the results should remain unchanged. Trial-and-error behavior only encourages candidates to guess, then re-guess, then guess again, hoping to eventually find the right combination of answers. The best bet for job candidates is to offer the most accurate version of their behavioral preferences the first time-especially since some assessments do not allow candidates to retest and try to generate different results.

Another method some assessments use to promote security and control the testing process is to utilize multiple forms. Some systems achieve this by creating many versions of the same assessment that provide statistically identical results. The advantage to this approach is that the various assessment forms are equivalent but not exactly alike. If one person took two forms of an assessment, the final scores would be the same, with the results extracted from answers to different questions along the way.

By attempting to leverage as many of these techniques as possible, you are able to respond with confidence to the following misconception.

Misconception #6: "I can game the system by repeating the test several times."
A well-designed system does not allow you to re-enter and take the assessment repeatedly. Once the system identifies that you have taken the assessment on a prior occasion, it applies those results to the new job profile. This eliminates the opportunity for candidates to enter and re-enter the assessment environment. Multiple forms randomly presented to each candidate inhibit an individual's ability to obtain or create an answer key. Candidates receive one of many variations of the testing content. A timed, cognitive assessment limits a person's ability to cheat or gain an advantage.

Dress Your Assessment for Success

Whether your organization's job postings attract 30 or 30,000 candidates, it pays to have a pre-employment assessment that extracts accurate data while protecting you from the elements. Do not be caught in a blizzard of job applications without a tool that legally and fairly protects you from distortion, cheating, or other methods of gaming the system.


The following section summarizes all the features to consider when determining if an assessment system is equipped to protect you from the elements.

Types of Profiles
"The-Higher-the-Better" Profiles Best Practice Profiles Custom Ideal Profiles

Historical Documentation: Technical Manual
Instrument Validation Criterion Validity Post-Deployment Studies Adverse Impact Data

Client-Specific Documentation: Predictive Studies
Concurrent Validity Post-Deployment Studies

Can Candidates Successfully "Game" the System?

Distortion Safeguards
Profile Type in Use Documented Distortion Testing

Controlled Entry Points
Assessment Instructions Unlimited or Restricted Candidate Access Multiple Test Forms

Assessment Practices That Insulate You From the Elements

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Buying a CAS Calculator for Calculus

!±8± Buying a CAS Calculator for Calculus

When their just beginning calculus, students often find themselves with face with a question in regards to their graphing calculator. Should they buy a CAS, or computer algebra system, calculator? If you don't understand what a CAS enabled calculator is, you won't be make an informed decision about whether or not to buy one.

A standard graphing calculator can only perform calculations involving numbers. That means it can divide, multiply, add, and subtract as well as complete far more complicated tasks such as logarithms, trigonometry functions, radicals, etc. However, a standard graphing calculator is not capable of performing operations on variables.

On the other hand, a computer algebra system enabled graphing calculator is capable of much more. It can manipulate variables such as x and y. This means it has the ability to factor polynomials, solve equations, even solve calculus functions such as derivatives without numerical limits. They are so powerful that some teachers don't allow them, and they have been banned from certain tests like the ACT. They are allowed on two really big examinations, however, the the SAT and the AP Calculus test. For many students, that's enough for them to decide they want one.

If you go to buy a CAS enabled graphing calculator, you'll want to make sure you are a well informed buyer. Texas Instruments is the most prolific manufacturer of graphing calculators available today. As such, most students will decide to buy a TI calculator. TI makes several CAS models you could consider. The the TI-89 Titanium, TI-Voyage 200, and the TI-Nspire CAS all have a computer algebra system. Since the TI-Voyage has a QWERTY keyboard, it is banned from virtually all standardized tests. This means for most students, it's a decision comparing the TI-Nspire CAS vs. TI-89 Titanium.

The TI-89 Titanium is not as modern. It has been around for over 10 years, but still feels fairly modern compared to most other calculators of that era. The TI-Nspire CAS is the latest and greatest from Texas Instruments. It's got high res display, a modern computer-like interface, and document creation. Whatever choice you make, be sure you have done your homework. These calculators cost in excess of 0 and you don't want to have regrets. Spend some time online checking out both options, see what your friends are saying, and you're sure to make a decision that will serve you well for many years to come.

Buying a CAS Calculator for Calculus

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Back to the Future with the Clintons Following Bush Who Followed the Clintons etc

!±8± Back to the Future with the Clintons Following Bush Who Followed the Clintons etc

A never ending story continues. Looks like everything has to be repeated over and over again until we get it right. The elder Bush announced the New World Order. President Clinton followed and led the way getting NAFTA and GATT Free Trade agreements passed sealing the fate of the American Workers. Millions lost their jobs while the Clintons chanted Happy Days are here again. President Clinton bombed Iraq on an ongoing basis and started wars in the Balkans to stop ethnic cleansing by doing the very same thing. He also bombed an aspirin factory in Africa just to show his macho image to the world in his "Wag the Dog" wars.

The younger President Bush followed and more of the Free Trade agreements were passed while all eyes were on the wars he started. The USA bombed Iraq for years but we never saw an Iraq plane bomb the USA. However, this did not stop President Bush from acting as if they did. He started his False Crusade with Black Knights- see article here at Ezine Articles. History tells us will over and over again, the U.S. will not win. Just like all the other nations in history who invaded the Middle East, the U.S. will come home and leave things worst than they were before they came.

At the same time more and more Americans drift into the Silent Depression. Millions have lost their jobs due to Free Trade with 39 percent of all over age 45 filing for bankruptcy from 1992 to 2002. ( Latest figures are still not available but most likely the number will grow larger with the Baby Booners on their way to old age.) Let us go back a bit in time and see how this all came about since we are being asked to let Hillary take over. Let us go back to a pivotal year - 1998 and get some examples of what is in store for us now.

Here are some numbers of job losses and a list of employers that closed down back in 1998 when the Clintons were proclaiming a statistical prosperity while millions were getting fired. The stock market thrived for a long time just as it is now based on workers getting fired instead of hired. Today people like Cavuto on Fox News keep telling us this is a good thing and not a bad thing. They hide the fact that the stock market had a trillion dollar loss when the Dot Coms went katput just when Clinton finished his job and Bush took over and the same thing is bound to happen again.

Here are the "good" old days in the Clintons' Land of "is" based 1998 as an example. This is the list of some of the major jobs losses.

In 1998, Rockwell cuts 3,800 jobs. Boeing and other related supporting companies cut 50,000 workers. LTC lays off 600. Kodak cuts 10,000 jobs. Raytheon cuts 14,000 jobs. TRW cuts 7,500 jobs. Lubrisol cuts 150 jobs. American Greeting cuts hundreds of jobs. Eaton cuts 200 jobs in chip-making operations. Sun liquidated with 2,800 losing their jobs. Hanna trims 260 workers and shuts down plant. Republic cuts 1,400 jobs. Bethlem Steel cuts 750 jobs and closes down operations. Weirton Steel lays off 300 workers.

(In the world of money ) - World Bank cuts 750 workers. Merrill Lynch cuts 3,400 jobs. Chase cuts 90 jobs locally. Huntington Bank cuts 1,000 jobs. Wells Fargo cuts 2,000 jobs.

Toro closes plants and lays off all workers. Texaco, Royal Dutch and Shell cut 4,000 jobs. Ameritech cuts 5,000 more jobs. Carpet Barn closes all its retail outlets. Heinz cuts 390 jobs. Cummins Engines cuts 1,000 jobs. NBC cuts 250 jobs. Toys R US closes 59 sores. Boston Chicken seeks bankruptcy protection. GE shuts New England plants. Goodyears plans more cuts after thousands were fired. BF Goodrich vacates headquarters ending the loss of thousands of jobs. Polaroid cuts 700 jobs. Venator Group closes 570 stores. Consolidated Gas cuts 2,600 jobs. Fruit of the Loom cuts another 5,000 workers and moved factories outside the USA saying they could not afford to pay an hour.

(In the high tech world where we hear about labor shortages ) INTEL cuts 5,000 jobs. Seagate cuts 20,000 jobs. DIGITAL cuts 15,000 jobs in merger with Compaq with company moving factories to China. Packard Belll lays off 1,000- later goes out of business. AST Research cuts hundreds of jobs.
LSI Logic cuts 1,200 jobs. Texas Instruments cuts 3,500 jobs. Gateway cuts 300 workers. Siemens worldwide cuts 60,000 jobs. Cadence cuts 180 engineers. In 1998, more than 250,000 lost their jobs in high tech alone.

Whirpool, Woolworth and International Paper announce thousands of workers will be cut. Scott Paper cuts 11,200 jobs. MCI WorldCom cuts 2,500 jobs. Nabisco cuts 3,100 jobs and closes plants. Pioneer Standard cuts hundreds. Goodrich closes four plants. Advance Lighting cuts 2220 jobs and closes plant. Kellogg cuts 525 salaried workers and 240 temporary workers. Liz Claiborne cuts 400 jobs and shuts down stores. HUFFY cuts 1,000 jobs and closes USA factories. Stanley works cuts 5,000 jobs. BF Goodrich closes down corporate headquarters in Akron Ohio. General Tire has similar situation. BP America closes down headquarters in Cleveland Ohio. Reliance Electric fades away after Rockwell buyout. Even McDonalds cut 525 workers in its Chicago Corporate Offices or about 23 percent of its staff. Weirton Steel idles blast furances. Mr. Gasket eliminates all production jobs and outsources jobs outside the USA.

(Some humor ) Scrabble is set to C-L-O-S-E factory. JUST CLOSEOUTS closes out all stores.

In 1998, Personal Bankruptcies jumped 19 percent to 1.3 million going bankrupt. Business failures surged 16 percent totalling 83,384 business failing.

THIS WAS 1998. There were plenty more jobs lost but these are the only figures we kept in 1998.
During the beginning of the Clinton years around 1992, IBM and AT@T/NCR cut about 250,000 workers
between just these three companies.

There is more and you can not blame the Clintons for all of the following but he and Hillary did nothing to correct the situation during their time in office. More than 700,000 workers lost their jobs and related jobs in the steel industry. More than 400,000 workers lost their jobs in the auto industry.

Here is a list of computer companies that folded surrounding the Clinton years. All of these computer companies are gone with most of them being U.S. manufacturers. ( We stand to be corrected with perhaps some of these companies remaining in part somehow but virtually they are all gone. )
Commodore, Compugraphics, Computer Automation, Computerm, Computone, Condor, Corvus, Data Systems, Delta Data, Datapoint, Four Phrase, Radio Shack Computers, Redactron, Remex, Standard Logic, Sykes, Eagle, General Automation, Redcor, General Computer, Intertel Data, Itek, Ohio Scientific, Novar, Sundance, Sperryrand, Televideo, Mohawk, Leading Edge, ITT, Lobo, Micromation, Modular Comp, Micropolis, Monroe, Nixdorf, Northern Telephone, Ontel, Perkins-Elmer, North Star, Ohio Nuclear-Technicare, Packard Bell, Leeds and Northrup, Pertec, Osborne, Vector, Vista, Vydek, Wango, Wordstream, Zilog, Wells America - (the last micro computer made in the USA ), Zenith, Unisis Mircros, AT&T Micros, Datatron, Datronix, Franklin, Basic FOur, Synon, QDP, Quasar, Star Tech, Tandem, Wang, BTI, Pronto, Rodine, Contel, CTI, Data Design, Data Logic, Datatronics, Heath, Intertek, and this is only a partial list.
We also have on file about a thousand systems houses in a tri-state area that went out of business surrounding the Clinton years.

In Mainframe computers, over a million workers lost their jobs prior and during the Clinton years.
They include Honeywell, GE, Sperry, Univac, Burroughs, Control Data, NCR, RCA, Xerox, IBM ( 150,000 were cut in the early 1990s ) DEC, Data General, Wang and more.

In computer media, 3M sold out to Imation who then laid thousands off. BASF Magnetics closed their US plants and sold this division to Korean company. Like many others, the brand name is the only thing left in the USA. The same applys to Dysan, Memorex and Verbatim.

Electing Hillary as President is like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop and it history will always verify the fact that it was President Bill Clinton, a Democrat, and Democrat controlled Congress that passed both NAFTA and GATT unfair trade agreements. See more at Tapart News and Art that Talks at The dollar's value is based on the power of the USA and so wars follow accordingly. American shoppers are now "hooked" on cheap imports from around the world. What wars will now follow during Hillary's time in office?

Back to the Future with the Clintons Following Bush Who Followed the Clintons etc

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Friday, September 9, 2011

iPhone 4 - Each student should have two applications

!±8± iPhone 4 - Each student should have two applications

There are some essential elements that are necessary when it comes to survive your college career. College is unique because it is a moment in your life when you try to be serious and do the right thing for your future, but everything you tried your party and have fun! And here is a list of some applications that will help balance this unbalanced way of life.

First, each student should have an iPhone. The iPhone model is not so important, because applications can bedownloaded all models. The iPhone can be used as the connection at home (by phone), a device to send e-mail to the professors, and even a weather station instrument is held in your friend's latest Facebook updated act. If you have an iPhone, you should fill out these applications.

Ajax Bartender App

This is an application that will help you make the days of "celebration" to be a little 'easier and will also show you before your friends. This application has become so popular becauseAnd 'the last resort for those responsible for the efforts bartender. The application argues that it is more than 40,000 recipes for drinks at the user's fingertips. Now, how can you sort through all these recipes, one that has found someone just ordered? This application allows you to enter an ingredient and are or how many you want, and then shows all the recipes that contain these ingredients! Do not go to another party college without this application on your iPhone.

The Belfry SciCalc App

We try toPaintings and focus on the real reason you are visiting colleges - to get an education. There is no doubt that most college classes a rigorous effort to pack in your life. It's not ideal, in reality there are applications that can make your job class. SciCalc The Belfry is a wonderful example of this type of application. This application will be your best friend if you ever in a math class challenging.

The Belfry SciCalc can really replace the big, fancy computersthat your teacher for more than $ 100 is to buy. It is to solve a scientific calculator with programming to the thousands of different mathematical equations. It is rare that this computer is a problem that can not manage to do justice. Relieve (literally) by downloading this application and your iPhone in your next math class instead of a calculator.

iPhone 4 - Each student should have two applications

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Texas Instruments Ti-nspire Graphing Calculator with Touchpad

!±8±Texas Instruments Ti-nspire Graphing Calculator with Touchpad

Brand : Texas Instruments
Rate :
Price : $0.00
Post Date : Aug 26, 2011 05:14:14
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Texas Instruments TI-Nspire Graphing Calculator N2/CLM/1L1 Calculators

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

The history of computers

!±8± The history of computers

There was a moment in history when the simple arithmetic was compulsory at school. As technology, new discoveries are rapidly converted, as we used traditional methods. One of these great inventions was the pocket calculator. Modern computers are different from the old tools of counting. Devices such as the numerical Comptometers abacus was a manual process, full of errors and it was pretty boring. In contrast, modern computers are digital or solar energy and do not require much manualLabor market. They are very inexpensive and come in many sizes and designs. Following seven facts you should know about computers lucky:

In education
1 There was much opposition to the use of computers at school, because it was thought that deprive them of basic arithmetic skills.
2 Some scientific research indicates that insufficient consultation can retain the use of calculators, mathematical thinking that students learn. On the other hand, other disputes,mathematical devices can weaken the basic math skills, or that such use may prevent the learning of important mathematical concepts.

History: The first day
3 The first type of computational tool that was implanted was the abacus. They were from a square piece of wood with beads sliding on wires above and below. The abacus is still used by fishermen and traders in Africa and Asia.
4 The analog computer was the first time in 150 BC. They called him theAntikythera mechanism and the astrolabe. This computing devices have been in Greece.

From 17 to 19 Century
5 Wilhelm Schickard, a German mathematician, the first digital computer in 1623 He is the father of computing known. His design uses techniques that were used in addition to the computing devices of a watch originally called watches.
6 These devices were later by Charles Babbage (rhymes with cabbage) are improved when he invented the mechanical calculator. It 'wascalled the difference engine, because it could be seven numbers from 31 to manipulate.

7 In the early eighties computer gadgets were a luxury item costs about two weeks to pay. Prices have decreased the cost of building materials for these devices has become less expensive and more accessible.
Today it is difficult for producers to profit from selling a good computer to go it alone. As a result, companies must sell unique competitive strategies for IT equipment. Now you canGet it as a double element of mouse pads, pens, rulers, and almost everything you can imagine.

The history of computers

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Texas Instruments Nspire CX N3CAS/CLM/2L1 Graphing Calculator

!±8± Texas Instruments Nspire CX N3CAS/CLM/2L1 Graphing Calculator

Brand : Texas Instruments | Rate : | Price : $146.41
Post Date : Aug 15, 2011 16:45:30 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Color Screen
  • Rechargeable Battery
  • Thin Design

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Texas Instruments Nspire CX N3CAS/CLM/2L1 Graphing Calculator

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Graphing Calculator

!±8± Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Graphing Calculator

Brand : Texas Instruments | Rate : | Price : $93.99
Post Date : Aug 11, 2011 19:06:09 | N/A

Texas Instruments Plus Silver Graphic Calculator 84PLSE/CLM/1L1/E Calculators

  • Graphing calculator handles calculus, engineering, trigonometric, and financial functions
  • USB on-the-go technology for file sharing with other calculators and connecting to PCs
  • 11 apps preloaded
  • Displays graphs and tables on split screen to trace graph while scrolling through table values
  • Backed by 1-year warranty

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Texas Instruments TI-89 Titanium Graphing Calculator

!±8± Texas Instruments TI-89 Titanium Graphing Calculator

Brand : Texas Instruments | Rate : | Price : $129.99
Post Date : Aug 08, 2011 20:10:22 | Usually ships in 1 to 3 weeks

Texas Instruments Graphing Calculator TI-89 Calculators

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The scientific graphing calculator

!±8± The scientific graphing calculator

The concentration on the Casio graphics calculator: For over 60 years, Casio has to make in the field of high quality and other electronics products, and introduced its first low-cost electronic calculator in the early 1970's. Rival Texas Instruments is still one of the leading producers of pocket calculators today, producing instant graphic solutions for all types of advanced features. Most of the current graphing calculators offer large displays, probability functions,Bar graphs and pie charts makes it a choice for those looking for a scientific or graphing calculator.

Particularly suitable for students

Casio graphing calculator, the first time on the market in 1985, and the company has a good choice for students of mathematics then. Many high school students can benefit from using graphing calculators in their classrooms. Casio offers a wide range of options, so do almost all of these useful pieces of electronics. The BoardCouncil allows the United States and parts of graphing calculators for the SAT and AP exams are used. Just make sure that the chosen model does not have a QWERTY keyboard in order to stay within the rules.

Casio will also find that graphing calculators are a great collection of applications for study and student work. Their processing speed enables fast, high-performance calculations. These computers can handle multiple lines of text and calculations at once, and many areprogrammable, allowing individual calculations. We can also offer Casio graphing calculator models, 3D graphics and color displays. These computers were used to create small games, but also, and there is a fairly large library of user created is a software for Casio calculators.

Self-Study Application

Self-learning applications for Casio graphing calculator includes eActivity, 3D graphics and geometric applications, can be created with the help ofDiscovery learning. We can also offer Casio graphing calculator, advanced features, including tables of values ​​of certain functions, graphs, pie charts, stacked bar, graphics and writing.

Other Casio products

Of course, Casio graphing calculator is more than good. You can also use other types of computers from Casio watches, label printers and hard drives, watches, cameras, projectors, musical instruments, mobile phones, cash and IndustryMachines. Casio is a big name in electronics, and has a product for every need. Its range of digital cameras are available in a variety of colors and offer sleek, compact design and affordable prices. Their phones have gone through military tests to ensure performance over time.

If you are considering buying a Casio graphing calculator, be sure to spend some 'time to look around. Check to determine which stores and online Casio calculator is right for you,and at the best price. Casio makes the math easier and more understandable. Their lines of the graphs, scientific, desktop calculators, education and the village are a great addition to any home or classroom.

The scientific graphing calculator

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